Things and such

About three weeks ago, or at least roughly three weeks ago, I decided to take a look into Vook to create an eBook version of Seeking Perfection.  And lo and behold the fine people there came through and it is now available pretty much everywhere, although the Nook version is still on the way.  Take a look:…/Stewart_Prokopiw_Seeking_Perfecti……/…/seeking-perfection/id986876346…

Now with the schilling out of the way… I have a couple things planned in the nearish future.  The short stories are still in the works, and I’ve been plotting out the Ghost Murder Party one for a while now.  I’m also planning to spend June/July to finish the sequel to Seeking Perfection, or at least make some good progress.  Once that is done I’ll be moving onto my white whale of a project that has been simmering for far to long.  I’m actually hoping to have a first draft finished sometime this year.  We shall see how this all goes but I’ve been feeling better about things so I’m at least marginally optimistic.

New Projects

I’ve been thinking, since I posted Seeking Perfection, of going back and doing a sort of retrospective with each chapter.  I’m reasonably certain that at no point anyone would actually care if I did so but I think on a personal level it would help me figure out how I approached everything.  If nothing else it could at least be mildly interesting I suppose. Continue reading

Nano Update 2: A sense of purpose

Here we are at the halfway point. The novel: on track and on time. By the end of today I will likely be a few hundred to a thousand words ahead of schedule.  Everything has been going exceptionally well, especially considering those first few days where I nearly gave up on the entire endeavour.   Continue reading

Nano Update 1

So the first week of Nanowrimo has come to an end.  There was… I want to say a bit of a hang up I guess, right at the start.  In fact after the first three days I had a whole seven hundred words written.  And by the end of Monday I was more than four thousand words behind.  And I’ll admit I almost performed the virtual equivalent of flipping a table, raising my arms into the air and flipping off the laptop.  But I ground it out.  Kept writing… and closed the gap.  I’m still behind a bit but if I keep up the same pace I’ll probably be caught up by the end of the day.   Continue reading

November 1st or What the hell did I just get myself into… again!

And here we are.  Again.  Sitting at zero words written with thirty days to go.  Fifty thousands words looking like an unreachable mountain peak way off in the distance.  And here I am just sitting at the bottom with only the faintest ideas of where the story begins and where it will end.  Fun times are ahead. Continue reading